Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm engaged! Woohoo! :-)

I have never been more motivated to step on that treadmill and get serious with my Fit n' Fab project. I seriously need to lose weight before the Big Day.

Anyway, what got me curious is why Richard decided to propose on my birthday. I had thoughts of a romantic/candlelit dinner or even him proposing on our anniversary (around September). But this was totally unexpected. Well, I guess that was the plan. To caught me offguard :-)

He picked me up after work and I asked him this question. He said that he was actually thinking of proposing in May, after my Singapore trip and after his US business trip. But that's going to be like 2-3 weeks that we won't see each other. Everything happened spontaneously. He started calling people that day to share his plans of proposing. And he bought the ring also on the same day before going to our house. that explains why he was late to arrive :-)

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